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How to strum
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How to strum

Rhythm is one of the most important skills you can develop as a guitar player. When you strum, make sure you are moving from your elbow. The wrist shouldn’t move at all. Rather, the wrist is there to cushion the impact of hitting the strings in order to provide a smoother motion. Just like suspension on a car.

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How to hold a guitar pick
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How to hold a guitar pick

 How to hold a guitar pick: 1 - Imagine holding the pick like a key and putting it in a lock. 2 - The point of the pick should be at right angles to the direction of your thumb. 3 - Try and maintain a straight line from your elbow through your wrist to the point of your thumb. 4 - Make a fist, put it on the strings and relax it slightly.

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A conversation about practice
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

A conversation about practice

A common misconception students have when they start learning guitar is that in order to get better they have to spend more time physically playing the instrument. Ironically, when you’re starting out, your progress is more significantly affected by the time you don’t spend playing the guitar.

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How to play better-sounding chords
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How to play better-sounding chords

There are three things we need to get right to play a good-sounding chord. If we do each of these things correctly, our chord will sound fantastic. If it doesn’t, we’re doing one of the three things wrong. To get great-sounding chords, make sure you: Push hard, use the tips of your fingers, and demonstrate good fretting position.

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How to avoid discouragement while learning the guitar
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How to avoid discouragement while learning the guitar

I think every guitarist who’s honest with themselves will admit that they don’t always enjoy practising the guitar. Even though I love playing the instrument, guitar practice can sometimes be a little tedious.

If you’re having trouble finding the motivation to practice, that’s okay. It’s not an uncommon experience. And, it’s definitely not a sign that you’re not cut out to be a guitar player!

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What is a chord?
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

What is a chord?

A chord is a collection of three or more different notes played simultaneously.  When we play a G major chord on the guitar, we are not playing a G major chord because of the particular shape we’re making with our fingers, but because the shape we are making with our fingers allows us to play the three notes (G B D) that, when combined together, make up a G major chord.

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How to stack seventh arpeggios for full extensions
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How to stack seventh arpeggios for full extensions

It can be a pretty intimidating idea to think that we have to remember seven different seven-note arpeggio shapes just to be able to play all the chords in the key.

Thankfully, there is a simple trick we can use that only requires us to know the single octave shape for four seventh-type arpeggios.

That’s a lot less intimidating.

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How guitarists use the B string to master standard tuning
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How guitarists use the B string to master standard tuning

We always aim to be as efficient as possible when playing the guitar. Trying to ‘do a lot less reaching’ is one of the reasons why having the G and B strings separated by a sneaky little third interval is such a great idea. Scales and chords are easier to play, our fingers are more centred, and we don’t have to change positions as often as we otherwise would.

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Improve your stamina playing guitar solos
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

Improve your stamina playing guitar solos

Stamina is a really important concept to keep in mind with all aspects of your practice. Let’s say you’re practising a guitar lick that you’re trying to get down. You probably won’t get physically tired, but you’re definitely going to get mentally fatigued if you don’t stop and take a breath between takes. Give your mind a second to recover and reset. Then try again.

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Can you play the guitar in free play mode?
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

Can you play the guitar in free play mode?

As a beginner guitarist, learning something new might take a lot of focus. You’ll be using all of your mental bandwidth which is pretty draining. I definitely wouldn’t call it relaxing.  But if you stick with it, you’ll develop fluency with the technique and find it takes up barely any of your mental bandwidth. Now you’re able to relax into what you’re doing. 

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How to play: Fast Car by Tracy Chapman
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

How to play: Fast Car by Tracy Chapman

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to play the fingerpicking intro to ‘Fast Car’ by Tracy Chapman. ‘Fast Car’ was released in 1988. However, this song has a timeless quality about it and it continues to be a popular tune for beginner/intermediate guitar players to learn. 

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Unlock the fretboard with one pentatonic shape
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

Unlock the fretboard with one pentatonic shape

With this one pattern and some minimal theory chops, you’ll be able to play the major pentatonic scale, the minor pentatonic scale, the major scale, and the minor scale anywhere on the fretboard in any key.

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Easy 'Let It Be' tutorial for beginners
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

Easy 'Let It Be' tutorial for beginners

‘Let It Be’ by The Beatles is a classic for a reason. It’s an incredible song with an easy chord progression and a recognisable bass riff. In this lesson, we’ll talk about some of the key things beginner guitar players will want to keep in mind when learning this song, some useful techniques to practice, and some cool tricks you can use to level up your strumming patterns and play like a pro.

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Learn an easy fingerpicking pattern that I use all the time
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

Learn an easy fingerpicking pattern that I use all the time

This pattern sounds intricate, but if we break it down it’s fairly easy to learn. We’re going to start with the bass note and add another three layers on top of that. Each layer will alternate with the previous layer until it forms a pattern with a rich bassline, a solid harmony, and some cool melodic accents.

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Is a $200 guitar any good?
Matthew Stuart Matthew Stuart

Is a $200 guitar any good?

In this video, I put a cheap $200 acoustic guitar head-to-head with my personal acoustic guitar, which I paid $1,600 for over 10-years ago.

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